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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * PineAB2YAM.rexx written April 16, 1998 by Graham Waddell *
- * *
- * This program creates a YAM .addressbook file out of a Pine ADDRBK.TXT*
- * file. See Limitations for more info. *
- * *
- * Limitations (aka To Do): Pine address GROUPS/LISTS, and future *
- * revisions will be able to open and edit the existing YAM addressbook*
- * Also, this can't yet handle long comments (2nd line in addrbk.txt) *
- * so a LITTLE manual editing is often required ('till next version) *
- * *
- * *
- * Revision History: *
- * v0.1 16-Apr-1998 First release! *
- * *
- ************************************************************************
- * *
- * Usage: *
- * *
- * "rx PineAB2YAM.rexx [infile (Pine)] [outfile (YAM)]" *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- OPTIONS results
- Version = "$VER: PineAB2YAM.rexx v0.1 (04.16.1998)"
- ARG InFilename ' ' OutFilename /* Assign variables from CLI input */
- /** Main Control Routine begins here **/
- Call Init_Rtn
- DO While ~EOF('InFile')
- Call Process_Record_Rtn
- Call Termination_Rtn
- /** End of Main Control Routine **/
- /** Initialization Routine begins here **/
- Init_Rtn:
- IF ~SHOW('L',"rexxsupport.library") THEN DO
- IF ADDLIB('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0) THEN NOP
- SAY "rexxsupport.library not available, exiting"
- EXIT 10
- InLine = ''
- Name = ''
- ALias = ''
- Address = ''
- Remark = ''
- YAMHeader = 'YAB2 - YAM Addressbook V2'
- YAMUserStart = '@USER '
- YAMUserEnd = '@ENDUSER'
- IF ( ( InFilename = '') | ( OutFilename = '') ) Then DO
- Say "rx PineAB2YAM.rexx [infile (Pine)] [outfile (YAM)]"
- Exit 15
- END /* IF InFilename = ''... */
- IF Exists( InFilename ) Then Do
- Open( 'InFile', InFilename, 'R' )
- Else DO
- Say "Cannot find File [" || InFilename || "]!!"
- Exit 20
- END /* If Exists( InFilename ) */
- Open( 'OutFile', OutFilename, 'W' )
- InLine = ReadLn('InFile')
- WriteLn( 'OutFile', YAMHeader)
- Return 0
- /** End of Initialization Routine **/
- /** Process Record Routine begins here **/
- Process_Record_Rtn:
- Call ParseUser
- Call WriteUser
- InLine = ReadLn('InFile')
- Return 0
- /** End of Process Record Routine **/
- /** Termination Routine begins here **/
- Termination_Rtn:
- Close('InFile')
- Close('OutFile')
- Exit 0 /* finished cleanly */
- Return 0
- /** End of Termination Routine **/
- /*** Procedures follow ***/
- ParseUser:
- PARSE VAR InLine Alias ' ' Name ' ' Address ' ' Remark
- /* Say 'Alias: ['||Alias||'] Name: ['||Name||'] Addr: ['||Address||']'*/
- Return 0
- WriteUser:
- WriteLn( 'OutFile', YAMUserStart||Alias)
- WriteLn( 'OutFile', Address)
- WriteLn( 'OutFile', Name)
- WriteLn( 'OutFile', Remark)
- WriteLn( 'OutFile', YAMUserEnd)
- Alias = ''
- Address = ''
- Name = ''
- Remark = ''
- Return 0